Portable Chargerble Air Pump Long Balloon (TK-668)
Quantity: 18
SKU: #pump longballoon
Weight(grams): 1000
Dimension: 10 cm (Length) x 15 cm (Width) x 5 cm (Height)
Portable Chargerble Air Pump Long Balloon (TK-668)
1. please read all aafety warnings and inatructions before operating this product.....
2.before using the inflator re-charging.
3.piug the power transformer into astandard power outlet and the other end into the inpu socket located on the top of the inflator.
4. allow the unit to change for 6 hours before the first use.
5.afteer ininlal use the re-charge time will be 4 hours.
6. to ensure potimel battery life keep the TK-668 lnflator fully charged when not in use and re-charging the inflatoe every 1-2 months when stored and not in use.
#long balloon Pump #air pump
Inquiry - Portable Chargerble Air Pump Long Balloon (TK-668)